Take My Life
“Take My Life” is an original SAB choral anthem based on the text of the traditional hymn by Frances Ridley Havergal. Take a listen to the recording below and check out Easy Choir Music if you are interested in performing Read more…
“Take My Life” is an original SAB choral anthem based on the text of the traditional hymn by Frances Ridley Havergal. Take a listen to the recording below and check out Easy Choir Music if you are interested in performing Read more…
My original composition “Beside Still Waters” has been published! Lorenz Publishing has included it in “The Church Pianist’s Library, Volume 25,” which is a collection of 33 pieces from different composers and arrangers. You can get a copy at SheetMusicPlus Read more…
Over my holiday break, I took the chance to read Building Choral Excellence: Teaching Sight-Singing in the Choral Rehearsal by Steven M. Demorest. Yes, you would guess correctly that it is about sight-singing, but not just that. Dr. Demorest provides Read more…
Thanks to Chad Criswell over at “MusicEdMagic” for posting this video from TEDxSydney. In this video Professor Richard Gill, the Music Director of the Victorian Opera Company, presents an inspiring talk about the value of music education. Some of the Read more…
I know you probably have already seen the two virtual choirs from over the last year and a half by Eric Whitacre, but I still wanted to share two of the coolest things on the internet. The first video is Read more…